If you are lactose-intolerant - can't use milk products - you can use lactose-free foods and drinks, use soy milk, use tablets like Lact-aid to remove the milk sugar
To get a good idea of what foods you should be eating go to www.choosemyplate.gov › resources › MyPlatePlan
Click on "start"
Fill in your age, sex, height, weight and activity level to see how many of each food group you should be eating every day
Using healthy cooking methods
Boil - beans
Steam- other vegetables
Bake - vegetables and meats
Broil - meats when possible
These cooking methods keep most of the natural nutrition in the food without adding fats
Choosing healthy portion sizes
About 4 ounces (roughly the size of a deck of cards)
This is a normal portion of meat, vegetables or grains
If you can eat 1-2 portions of different fruits and vegetables and at least one grain each meal, that's good nutrition.
Eliminating unhealthy foods, for example:
Potato chips
Sugared drinks (soda pop)
Two cans of soda pop per day (300 calories, nearly 3 ounces of sugar) can cause one pound of weight gain every two weeks with NO nutritional benefit from the pop.
Healthy Diets: Traditional Native American Foods
The traditional diets used by our tribal ancestors have been found to be healthy and do not contribute to high blood sugar.
Returning to a Native American diet would be ideal, but many of the foods or food sources are not available and/or are too expensive.
Why is the traditional diet healthy?
Wild game meat eaten by the ancestors was low in fat
Food preparation did not include frying or adding sugar
Foods gathered like roots or berries were high in fiber and low in sugar
There was no refined sugar or white flour
Even cooking or gathering berries and nuts required physical exercise
The food exchange
Because persons with diabetes often are taught how to exchange certain foods for another, this has become known as a special diabetes diet or exchange diet.
But there is no special diabetes diet; the diet recommended is one that is healthy.
Food exchanges can help you balance healthy combinations of carbohydrates (simple and complex), protein, and fats.
If you are interested in using food exchanges to help balance your diet, go to this website: www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/public/heart/obesity/lose_wt/fd_exch.htm
Diabetes and alcohol
If your blood sugar is well-controlled and if you take proper precaution, it is possible to have alcohol once in a while.
No more than one drink per day for women.
No more than two drinks per day for men.
One drink is:
12 ounces of regular beer (150 calories)
5 ounces of wine (100 calories)
1.5 ounces of 80-proof distilled spirits (100 calories)
Precautions when drinking alcohol
Always eat something when you drink
Check the alcohol level of your drink
Account for any extra sugars added to the drink like fruit juices, soda pop or mixes
Watch out for
Signs of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
Confusion, rapid heart beat, cold sweats
Check your blood sugar if you are having these symptoms. If your sugar is low (below 100), treat it by taking glucose tablets or a snack high in sugar
Before you go to bed after having a drink, eat a snack
Your blood sugar level can drop in the middle of the night
To prevent this, you may want to set your alarm clock to wake you up so you can test your blood glucose and eat a snack if necessary
Why does this happen?
When you drink alcohol, your liver stops making glucose while it removes the alcohol from your blood
And it takes the body about 2 hours to remove one ounce of alcohol from your body
This is enough time for your sugar to drop to low levels
Physical Activity: Why exercise is important
Helps lower blood sugar (glucose)
Reduces blood pressure
Lowers blood fats (lipids) - cholesterol and triglycerides
Assists in weight loss
Reduces stress
Strengthens bones
Helps body use insulin more efficiently (your natural insulin and injected insulin)
Helps prevent or delay diabetes complications
Manage your diabetes well!
Choose nutritious foods
Maintain a healthy weight
Be physically active
Keep your sugars under control
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