Accepting diabetes is not easy. Accepting that you have both diabetes and cancer is even harder.
Some saying accepting that they had cancer was easier than realizing they had diabetes, even though it is so common within American Indian and Alaska Native communities
When people are first diagnosed with diabetes, they may have various stages of adjustment. These stages can be:
Depression or sadness
And for some, acceptance of their diabetes may happen only after there is a complication
It's important to tell your health care provider:
That you are having a hard time accepting the idea that you have diabetes (or cancer, or diabetes and cancer, or diabetes and another chronic disease)
That you are depressed, angry, scared or stressed
Or however you are feeling
Sharing these feelings can be the first step to:
Feeling better
Decreasing the effect of these emotions on your blood sugar
Diabetes and body image
If you are already coping with the complications of diabetes, you may have to:
Use a wheelchair
Wear orthopedic shoes
Experience worsening eyesight
Start kidney dialysis
Have an amputation
These are a few examples of how diabetes can affect your life and your image of yourself
These physical changes also can affect your self-image and how you feel about yourself
It is important to tell your health care provider about how you are making these physical adjustments - or if you need some help
It also is important to share how you feel about having to make these changes in your life
If these emotions are keeping you from:
Doing your work
Having good family interactions
Enjoying your family, your usual activities and hobbies
Taking good care of yourself
Tell your health care provider
Your Healthcare Provider may recommend that you talk to a counselor about your feelings and consider options to help you feel better
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