Native American Cancer Research Corp

An American Indian Non-profit, Charitable, 501(c)(3), Community Based Organization

An overview of NACR's services click here about NACR

  • NACR develops and tests programs and interventions designed to prevent and/or control cancer, including:
    • Risk reduction
    • Screening (early detection)
    • Education
    • Training
    • Control
    • Treatment
    • Support or study of cancer and cancer-related issues among Native Americans.
  • NACR does this through conducting and promoting research, education and training.

Our mission is to reduce cancer incidence and increase survival among American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN)

  • How this mission is addressed:
    • Partnering with non-Native organizations or institutions
    • Partnering with other Native organizations locally, nationally, internationally
    • Conducting and promoting research, education and training in the cancer continuum (outreach through end-of-life)

NACR's Research Caveats

  • The community must directly benefit from participating in community-based research ("benefit" includes some type of service or education intervention that is beyond taking part in a survey).
  • The research needs to address the community's health priorities in a culturally respectful manner, while at the same time address health research priorities of the funding agency.
  • Applied research in the community must be culturally respectful and invariably will include modifications that allow for options that are relevant to the local AI/AN community and are likely to differ from academic theory.
  • Members of the community-based "team" need to be included in leadership/decision-making roles in every step of the research project, including the planning phase through dissemination

NACR Contact Information: 303-550-5181 

NACR staff members are available this year to provide training, consultation, meeting facilitation, and other services on a fee for service basis.
For more information, please CONTACT NACR at Native American Cancer Research with questions about possible consulting services.

Native American Cancer Research Corporation, Pine Office
3022 South Nova Road, Pine, CO 80470