International Indigenous Peoples Navigation Network (IIPNN)

(as recognized by the Academy of Oncology Nurse and Patient Navigators (AONN+)

The International Indigenous Peoples Navigation Network (IIPNN) is a virtual support network for navigators who work with Indigenous Populations. Native American Cancer Research Corporation (NACR) has implemented patient navigation services since 1994 and conducted Native Patient Navigation (NPN) trainings since the latter 1990s.  Following these trainings, Patient Navigators (PN(s)) repeatedly expressed appreciation for the opportunity to talk, network and collaborate with other PNs who work within Indigenous settings. Through NACR's involvement with organizations such as the Academy of Oncology Nurse and Patienut Navigators (AONN+), we were able to create an international Indigenous network to help support one another in our cancer navigation efforts.  

Upcoming IIPNN Webinars

The next IIPNN will be during winter and will share PN training protocols from US, AUS and NZ. The date has not yet been decided. All IIPNNs meet virtually and are held on a Tuesday for USA and Canada 5:00 MOUNTAIN Time (please convert the time to your time zone) and Wednesday for Pacific Islands, New Zealand and Australia. Most webinars are 90-120 minutes duration and as of March 2022, all are video-taped and later posted onto the IIPNN webpage.


Name: International Indigenous Peoples' Navigation Network  (IIPNN, pronounced, "I pin")

Why an Indigenous Peoples Navigation Network?

There are both cultural and geographic challenges and solutions that may be unique to Indigenous communities and the Patient Navigators who work in those areas. Many Navigators work in isolation. The focus of IIPNN is on sharing stories of how navigation programs have overcome challenges in culturally respectful ways. Such stories may help PNs working in another region or continent try something new or modify what was done to be locally appropriate to one's setting.


Provide a virtual support program to address culturally and geographically unique challenges and solutions of Indigenous Navigation programs.


Cancer Patient Navigators who work within Indigenous programs in the USA, Pacific Islands, Canada, New Zealand and Australia.

What would you be responsible for should you choose to join this initiative?

There is no fee. You would be expected to attend 90-minute virtual meetings, held four times each year. The goal is to be supportive of navigators who work within Indigenous communities and the members to feel comfortable to share their stories, lessons learned or request help. Additionally, members will suggest topics for which they would like more information (education topic) for subsequent gatherings. IIPNN is to help us all learn more about one another and to reinforce "we are all related".

What do you do if you choose to become involved in IIPNN?

Send your name, address, work or cell phone and email to

Updates about Patient Navigation

  • Metrics - Full List
  • Metrics - Handout
  • Guide to Accredited Certification for PNs
  • Oncology Navigation Standards of Professional Practice
  • PN competencies and training by Workforce Dev Task Group
  • PN Toolkits and Resources recommended by Workforce Development Task Group

Resources Shared by IIPNN Presenters

Multiple PN Resources

Genetic, Biomarker, Language Resources

  • CSC’s Precision Medicine Plain Language Lexicon
  • AONN+ Poster on Plain Language & Precision Medicine
  • Common Cancer Testing Terminology
  • CSC’s Precision Medicine educational materials available at no cost
  • Talking about Biomarker Testing
  • Consistent Common Cancer Testing Terms

Survivorship Resources

Handouts and Slides from IIPNN Webinars

UNITED STATES Handouts and Slides from IIPNN Webinars

Alaska Handouts and Slides from IIPNN Webinars

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Hawaii Handouts and Slides from IIPNN Webinars

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Pacific Islands Handouts and Slides from IIPNN Webinars

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Canadian Handouts and Slides from IIPNN Webinars

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Australia Handouts and Slides from IIPNN Webinars

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New Zealand Handouts and Slides from IIPNN Webinars


ALASKA Handouts / Slides Shared by IIPNN presentations

Presenters' Bios

UNITED STATES [48 Contiguous States] Publications from IIPNN Members

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Alaska PN Publications from IIPNN Members

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Australia PN Publications from IIPNN Members

Pacific Islands PN Publications from IIPNN Members

New Zealand PN Publications from IIPNN Members

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March 16, 2022 IPNN webinar clips

We did not begin recording webinars until March 16, 2022.  

April 27, 2022 Linda Burhansstipanov, DrPH, overview of PONT and AONN+ Metric Toolkit

August 4, 2022 Diana Redwood, PhD, ANTHC Colorectal Cancer Control Program

October 11, 2022 Claire Saxton from the Cancer Support Community

February 28, 2023 Patient Navigation Across the CRC Control continuum:  Experience from AI ACCSIS Projects

May 2, 2023 Walking Forward video

September 26, 2023  in-home HPV cervical cancer studies and an overview of Cancer Advocacy and Patient Education (CAPE) resources

December 5, 2023 Getting Started with Metrics and Reports for Patient Navigation Programs

April 2, 2024

May 22, 2024

October 1, 2024

October 1/2, 2024 Janet Quintana-Cook from New Mexico, USA shared information about their Native American Workgroup and its efforts to create and implement a cancer plan that is specifically for their New Mexico Native communities. For those from outside the USA, more and more of our tribal and urban Indian programs participate in both state-focused comprehensive cancer plans, as well as Indigenous-focused cancer plans. The New Mexico tribal plan is among the best in Linda B's opinion. The second speaker was Phyllis Nassi from Huntsman Cancer Center. She share strategies their program used to improve and expand education and assistance to American Indians to Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, and South Dakota. the knowledge gained from their navigation program was invaluable when she became the primary caregiver to her husband through 3 cancer diagnoses. Very informative and powerful.

November 19/20, 2024