What are some American Indian / Alaska Native issues we have with clinical trials?
Many American Indians / Alaska Natives believe:
Most clinical trials are done on us rather than other minorities. Actually we are almost never included in clinical trials.
We are used like guinea pigs. Guinea pigs do not have a choice about taking part in a study, but we do.
We are the frequent victims of experiments by the US government. This was true, but not likely today.
We are over-studied with little good going back to the local community.
What are some explanations American Indian / Alaska Native leaders have for not participating in studies?
Additional American Indian / Alaska Native cultural issues
Cultural issues may affect the recruitment, retention and conduct of a trial
For example, what if the clinical trial required the patient to have a medical check up every week over a 1 month period of time and the patient lived 200 miles away from the clinic?
What if that month overlapped with annual tribal ceremony or holiday?
Such as, Sun Dance or Green Corn ceremonies?
What if the clinical trial required eating certain nutritious foods daily?
But the participant could not afford or find those foods in local markets
Or a tribal ceremony required several days of fasting?
What if local tribal cultural practices include taking herbal treatments recommended by the traditional Indian healer?
But those herbs interfered with the drugs used for cancer treatment?
Poverty may affect compliance
5 a day includes eating five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. This is costly
Health care standards and quality treatment are decided by these trials
If Natives are left out of these trials …
We have no influence on such standards.
Ways clinical trials could be more inclusive of American Indians / Alaska Natives
Tribal or Native Health Boards can:
Rank cancer within the top 5 on the Contracted Health Services list for their tribe.
Meet with American Indian / Alaska Native representatives, the National Cancer Institute (NCI), or Cancer. Cooperative Groups to discuss the clinical trials studies for cultural acceptability
The NCI is a federal agency that does more scientific cancer research than any other organization in the world. It is located in Maryland, USA.
Cancer Cooperative Groups are groups of healthcare providers who develop clinical trials that are carried out throughout the country.
Tribal / IHS / Urban Indian clinics can:
Transport the patient and family member to the health care setting providing the clinical trial.
Provide housing for the patient and family member
Call NIH clinical trials information
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